Charrue réversible Agrocosan REVERSIBLE PLOUGH neuve

charrue réversible Agrocosan REVERSIBLE PLOUGH neuve
charrue réversible Agrocosan REVERSIBLE PLOUGH neuve
charrue réversible Agrocosan REVERSIBLE PLOUGH neuve image 2
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Marque:  Agrocosan
Type:  charrue réversible
Année:  2024
Localisation:  Turquie Karatay - Konya
Mise en ligne:  plus d'un mois
Agronetto ID:  XZ39374
État:  neuf
Informations supplémentaires
Couleur:  rouge

Informations supplémentaires — Charrue réversible Agrocosan REVERSIBLE PLOUGH neuve

Mechanical and hydraulic adjustable model options. Reversible ploughs do us proud of serving farmers by special raw materials profile that provides elasticity for the reversible plough as well as heat treatment processed poles as a first and impact resistant mouldboard and knife non-catching mud in European standard. It is very practical to adjust and use of the Reversible Plough. When using the reversible Plough it is no need to turn around a furrow, return can be made on the same line.Saving time and fuel oil, Penetration adjustment on each body, tandardization of the parts, Long lasting original parts
L'offre est présentée uniquement à titre informatif. Veuillez contacter le vendeur pour plus d'informations.
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